What is CQ?

CQ Magazine is an indie powered e-publication for creative explorations adhering to a high standard of professional writing and journalism.

- To empower writers by providing a platform of creative writing and expression
- To highlight the potential and power of creative writing and arts

- Experimental Writing
- Features
- Interviews
- Photography
- Poetry
- Reviews
- Short Stories
- Views

Target Audience
- Students of higher education institutes
- Creative artists and writers
- Those interested in the creative arts

Target Writers
- Young writers
- Creative professionals

- Bahasa Malaysia
- English

Estimated Size
- 50++ pages

- Four issues a year on a quarterly basis, starting from September 2014
- To be made available online at issuu.com and as a downloadable PDF
- Social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) will be used to promote the magazine through the handle @cqmalaysia

Design inspired by Swedish Film magazine.
Licensed under Creative Commons.